Attempt 2 at keeping this blog.
What an odd, odd week. Strange atmosphere too, especially with the compatriots in league against L'ClipClop Noir being suspended for a crime he didn't commit. This would make a great book in itself.
Starting to get sick of small things at work now, things that don't normally even cross my mind but are all the more evident because I'm there every day now. Maybe its me being anal but whatever - its general good practice to dress well for the office. Nothing extravagant like wearing a brand new Moss Bros suit everyday and expensive cufflinks and sweating through the suit jacket. We work in a call centre, for crying out loud, it isn't worth dressing to the nines to do our basic skills job.
Yeah, its comfortable. Great stuff. We're sat on our arses for 7 hours a day and we're usually in close proximity to our desks during our lunch break. Especially this week. Its amazing the desperation it takes to leave the office and go out into the rain, a feeling I can admit to yesterday in a vain quest for a decent cup of tea (£1.20 for Earl Grey? I'll happily take that and a walk over the office sludge). But that's beside the point. Maybe its because I feel self-conscious being the only person in a team huddle wearing a shirt and trousers (and wearing it well, I'll note) but I'm certain its because it just looks so...untidy.
No-ones asking anyone to rock up to work with a huge, infectious smile, to love every second of their day and even enjoy being shouted at because the UK CAN'T READ SMALL PRINT but is it too much to ask for you to turn up looking like you actually give a shit about being presentable?
Ok, so some polo shirts work...but PINK? Pink polo shirt and black trousers? How about baby blue and purple?
And for God's sake, wear a belt. You look like a twat.
Rant over, for now. Fully expecting more of the same distain tomorrow. Never mind - a month today I'll be living the student highlife of very little money but very much time off in the new house :) Good stuff.
Progress on the book is coming along nicely now, with 25 of 40 chapters typed up from the first draft. Revisions then. Here's a little teaser as we go...hopefully will whet your appetites:
They collided with a bump, and Randle, who had been whistling quietly to himself and stringing a melodic line against the brash percussion of their footsteps echoing off the walls, fell silent. He stepped forward slowly, revealing to them as he did so the massive cavern ahead of them, bathed in an eerie yellow light, which sent the shadow of a skeleton that sat ahead of them in an upright, seating position towering above them, as though it were another creature in the darkness. Clutched in the arms of the skeletal figure, which itself was placed in the direct centre of the room, was a glistening black cauldron, almost brand new in appearance. Lunar and solar symbols covered the walls, and Pinter felt his breath escape as he took in the cavern with a feeling of pure awe.
Lester’s eyes were wide: “That’s it!”
“Don’t move.” Randle’s words were cold, collected. All the joviality had gone from his voice.
“Why not? C’mon!”
Randle threw his arm out: “Harry, stop!”
It was far too late. Stepping beyond the threshold, Lester made it a matter of footsteps before his heel depressed a section of the floor and the ground fell away beneath him. Pinter and Randle could only watch wide-eyed as with a blood-curdling scream Lester vanished below them and onto the jagged spikes of rock that lay below. The fall was short but deadly, and Lester was dead on impact.
“Oh dear.” Randle broke the silence, his voice punctuated more with genuine surprise than concern.
“Poor Harry.”
“I dread to think of the paperwork.”
If you enjoyed it, leave me a comment. If you didn't, leave me a comment.
If you're reading....leave me a comment :P
Love to your mothers x
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